The Toad Hall Smallholding
Toad Hall has a long history. The smallholding Toad Hall is part of Wendron World Heritage Site The house was expanded from a 2 room crofters cottage around 1853 to be the offices for (Vernon) Wheal Enys Mine, an 'account house' where the tin is weighed, records are kept and miners are paid
Wheal Enys Mine ceased to trade in 1859 and the house was used as 5 cottages, then in 1907 it was inherited from John Enys by the reverend Charles Enys and let to various members of the Roberts family who also used it as 5 cottages, then 3, converted it to two in the 1960s. It remains two today.
The Robert family acquired both in the 1970s and sold it to us in 1986
All mines have two engine houses, The Stamp Engine - to grind the tin containing rock that was brought out of the mine - The Winding engine - to wind the men and rock up and down the shaft
You can see the original stamps engine house still standing and now made into a house on the slopes below Toad HallEnys Winding Engine was demolished by Porkellis villagers in 1866 and they used the stone to build Porkellis Wesleyan Chapel
The Smallholding was re-named Bay View by the Roberts family but as the bay it refers to is over 7 miles away this was stretching the point. We wanted to change the name back to Wheal Enys but by then the larger farm next door had been called this so we called it Toad Hall, Wheal Enys Farm, due to the number of baby toads that hatch out in spring in the waters of old shallow mine workings on the Smallholding and hop all round the place.
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